ALL POSTS - If read in order it's a story.

April 22, 2014

I won't sleep with her.

The guy I'm seeing (this is the 3rd guy I've "seen" in Portland. I would argue "seeing" usually comes after "sleeping with") has professed an interest in meeting my mother. I am concerned he will argue with her over a disparity on me or politics (or the price of bacon) or worse yet, like her too much and take her side against mine in all things (yes, I know clearly my mother and I have reached an I am a bratty teenager dynamic). I am also worried about his being my boyfriend because he doesn't have a job.

I knew we got along too well last time I saw him. It wasn't when he picked me up from the airport when I brought Spike home from LA, or when he took me out twice in one day. "Sorry, I'm taking your mommy out of the house again",  he told Spike and Isabel to whom he's very nice. It was a couple nights ago when we lay in my substandard size single bed after sex, and I was telling him about my day and he actually thought I was funny.

He says now, "I don't ever have to meet your mother if you don't want that dynamic to happen". I tell him, "I do". I don't say the word, just that I want him to be my boyfriend. He says, "Don't worry, I won't sleep with her".


  1. It has long been my contention that a parent's job is to f&*k up their child as much as possible, and the child's job is to unf&*k themselves. It takes years, but only if you work hard.

    I hope Leif gave Ben your contact info. It would be totally jerky not to.

    1. Ben just left a message, but I'm sure Leif would have. He encouraged Spike to maintain a constant Twitter feed so I would know how the little dog was doing.

  2. Glad to see you're here again, and you have Spike and sex.

  3. Replies
    1. That could obviously be taken different ways, but I'll go with small quarters. And if so, it's all I've ever known and it's varied a lot.
