ALL POSTS - If read in order it's a story.

June 6, 2013

I Don't Want to Go to Portland.

I  don't want to go to Portland but my mother says it's the promised land.
She'll buy me a house there though I'll have to pay rent.
I paid no rent in the home I shared with my husband in Los Angeles since we owned it,
but still he resented me,
so rent in Portland might be a good idea.
I hear the streets are paved with gold, or was it rain?
And all concerts and art festivals are free.
I hear people ride their bicycles naked once a year.
On that day I will ride my exercycle naked in their support.
I hear recycling is at the forefront in Portland, and we will singlehandedly save the earth.
My husband would like Portland recycling,
he cleanses and sorts everything in our Los Angeles kitchen
to save the world from parking lots
or what ever ills are likely to bring down Los Angeles.
I hear Portlandia is an Angel, or perhaps a beaver,
I want to meet her.
I want to stay with my husband but she's holding out her hand to bring me in
and he's not.


  1. Well, I don't want u 2 go to Portland, ME or OR, either, but if u must go & stay there then I hope it all turns out for the best 4 U.

    Anyhows, you can always get a little taste of Pasadena/LA/CA by cking in at my Cafe Pasadena wherever u find yourself! :)

  2. "I want to stay with my husband but she's holding out her hand to bring me in
    and he's not."

    damn him

  3. Yeah, that's the line that got me, too. Nice. Sad, but nice.

    1. What's odd is I wrote it before I knew the statue actually is holding out her hand. My mother had told me there was a "Portlandia", but I'd never seen her.
